Find and explore data in the National Pupil Database
Use this tool to find and explore information about the data that is held in the NPD, a key DfE data store, covering education, skills and children services data for individual learners in England, before applying to access Department for Education (DfE) data extracts.
Use this tool to:
- browse the NPD via categories
- browse the NPD via dataset
- search for NPD data items
- save My List of data items
Browsing via categories
Browse the NPD using the tool's 4 high level categories:
- attainment
- demographics
- absence and exclusion
- children in need and children looked after
You can then look for more precise categories until you find the group of data items that you are interested in.
Browsing via datasets
If you are a more experienced user and you know the name of the DfE data collection that feeds into the NPD, you may want to search for the data items you are interested in using the names of the DfE collections as we hold them in the NPD.
Searching for data
You can also find specific data items using a simple text search.
Saving a list of favourite data items
If you would like to save your favourite data items you can use ‘My List’.